too much typing—since 2003



"George W. Bush has a record the Democrats should have made mincemeat of. Right about now, the media should be writing, and American voters should be thinking: Golly, a million jobs lost, millions more in poverty, manufacturing down; no WMD's, 1,000-plus dead, Iraq on the brink of civil war, al-Qaeda larger than ever and still recruiting, acts of worldwide terrorism on the rise, North Korea and Iran responding to the cowboy routine by going nuclear. This should have been easy." --Michael Tomasky

Why hasn't it been? Because too many of us apparently think we're voting for who gets to stand heroically in the flag-rippling breeze, rather than who gets to be President.

1 comment:

2fs said...

My worry is that the press is going to Gore Kerry - way back when (I'm too lazy and non- self-promoting to provide a link - prob. Oct. or Nov. '03) I commented on an article in which much of the press mea-culpa'd treating Bush like the Homecoming King and Gore like head of the Chess Club...I can see the same thing happening in Kerry/Bush debates. Clearly, Bush is unlikely to score any real substantive points...but Kerry runs the risk of exuding hauteur if he's not careful. We'll see...