too much typing—since 2003


Keyes on the highway

"Talking Points" scribe Josh Marshall can sometimes bog down in detail and leave his less wonkish readers gasping for air, but he's been on a roll recently, with his "Concerned Veterans..." post, and his most recent posts have trenchantly and hilariously addressed Illinois Republicans' satirist-proof attempts at political farce ("let's have a moralistic right-winger get caught trying to persuade his movie-star wife to get it on in sex clubs, and then let's nominate a batshit insane politician from another state, even though he pontificated against state-hopping carpetbagging during Hillary Clinton's Senate run...").


Anonymous said...

I always thought the funniest name EVER for a TV show was "Alan Keyes is Making Sense." I lived in Maryland when he was running for office there, and the guy is just a loon. My jaw dropped when I heard he was running for the Senate in IL. He was interviewed on NPR yesterday and said that the difference between him and Hillary is, the people came to HIM and BEGGED him to run! Well, y'know, IL is a tiny, underpopulated state, it's not like there are any other Republicans they could have found to be the sacrificial lamb against Obama...

2fs said...

A. Nony Mous wrote, "I always thought the funniest name EVER for a TV show was 'Alan Keyes is Making Sense.'" that sorta like the televisual equivalent of John Cage's 4'33" - nothing but dead air?