too much typing—since 2003



NEW YORK CITY, Dec. 1 (API) -- The catastrophic blog-loss which downed major portions of the Internet earlier today was likely caused by the simultaneous implosion of thousands of bloggers, exhausted from their participation in November's "National Blog Posting Month." Consultant O.B. Wonk-O'Naughby noticed the difference immediately as the last day of November passed into the new month. "I felt a great disturbance in the blogosphere," Wonk-O'Naughby said, "as if millions of bloggers suddenly cried out in exhaustion and were suddenly silenced."

Fortunately, the collective exertions of bloggers have negligible effect on the economy, politics, or much of anything, so life is expected to carry on as usual. Wonk-O'Naughby says, "I expect we'll be seeing new rants about Bill O'Reilly and Al Franken, new posts of mp3s from bands no one's ever heard of, and new pictures of cute kittens with charmingly ungrammatical captions in a day or so. Me, I'll be YouTubing the latest episode of my sock-monkey-based Darth Vader/Yoda slash videos as soon as I can get around to it."

1 comment:

yellojkt said...

But think of the memes! With no NaBloPoMo, where will they go?