too much typing—since 2003


American Parody

Seeing a (rather lopsided) reproduction of Grant Wood's American Gothic posted in the comments section of a recent entry of Momus' Click Opera caused me to look for the actual image. I'm not surprised to find that the image is one of the most popular and parodied artworks. A Google image-search brings up a vast array of parodic images: the iconic couple wielding cellphones and golf clubs, having gained fifty pounds each, transformed into Darth Vader and Yoda, and so on. One could produce a fairly accurate mapping of American cultural obsessions merely by cataloguing the parodies of this image.


Anonymous said...

The first parody of that painting I ever saw was an advertising poster for a mid-80's low budget horror movie, titled (of course) American Gothic. I've never seen the film, but that poster is one of the odder bits of junk memory from my childhood that float around in my brain.

2fs said...

I think it's entirely amusing that one of the ad links that came up with this image was for a divorce attorney. They do seem a bit at odds... (You say mmwlxcqs, I say mmwlxqsc, let's call the whole thing off)