too much typing—since 2003


thank god there's no lame-ass pun on "Phair" here

Just a brief entry because I'm too busy to do a longer one: I just downloaded the live, acoustic Liz Phair track from community radio station WMSE's site (okay, it's actually a related site promoting the airing of local music), and I've got to say - if you were annoyed by the glossiness of Phair's self-titled album, listen to this version of "Why Can't I" - because dammit, it's a fine song that deserved to be a hit. It does what good love songs do: not blather on generically about love, but capture in detail a particular moment of a love affair.


Anonymous said...

it's a fine song that deserved to be a hit

And wasn't it actually a hit?

-Anonymous Steve

2fs said...

Hmm...I guess you're right: usually the phrase "deserved to be a hit" implies "but it wasn't." I didn't think of it that way. Not that I'm at all the right person to ask about whether something was a hit...

Spring Chicken 2009 said...

it deserved to be a hit respected by people who take pop hits seriously. great song.