too much typing—since 2003


reason sleeps, monsters creep

"Get me some chocolate milk / and some small, high-intensity chips"

--first line of a song about a kid who's decided to kidnap Santa; the only other thing I know is that he's strung a tripwire at the bottom of his chimney, which he's connected to a tranquilizer gun.

(This is what happens when I wake up early, anxious that I've overslept, because of the time shift - then fall back half-asleep and dreaming: I come up with peculiar ideas for songs. This one sounds like it's by Steely Dan - or better, Nova Social: check out the song samples; warning: opening-page Flash animation includes bleepy robot noises).

1 comment:

2fs said...

All credit to Tris McCall - who wrote them up a year or so back.