too much typing—since 2003



On a mailing list I'm subscribed to, someone mentioned the newish pop-sociological buzzword "Generation Jones." After I removed my finger from my throat, I did some googling - evidently, I'm hopelessly uncool since I'd never heard of this term until now...even though, theoretically, I belong to this demographic.

I was going to write a withering screed about the pointlessness of this phenomenon, its patent absurdity and inaccuracy (as in: almost zero about its supposed key traits resonates with me), and the sheer idiocy of the term...when I discovered someone else already had.

All I have to add to that is: the guy who supposedly coined the term? Just look at that ridiculous ponytail...

(Full disclosure: I did, at one time, wear a ponytail. That was in the early '90s, however. I apologize heartily.)


Anonymous said...

Did you have to register to read that anti-Generation Jones article? I was interested, but didn't want to pay 15 pounds...


2fs said...

Aaargh. Turns out the article was one of those annoying "read it now or pay later" deals. However, their nefarious plans (15 pounds? That's like 30 bucks!) are foiled by Google's cache of the link...which I've downloaded, and I've altered the link above. Enjoy!