too much typing—since 2003


bored now...

I got tired of the old look. So here's the new look. It seems blogspot has its own commenting feature now (we'll see if it works). 'Course, all the old comments disappeared - but if you're obsessive about your own comments, fret not: I've saved 'em (except for the May ones, because I'm an idiot.)

I'll probably find some more weird bugs to change. Also, I will attempt to figure out how to modify certain features of this template that I don't like...but I'm a lame-ass, so I can't promise much of anything.


2fs said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
2fs said...

Except, actually, I only saved comments up through February's.

I apologize to everyone whose deathless prose is, uh, deathful.

2fs said...

That's kind of weird, Ms. or Mr. Lane. I sent the blogspot folks a comment on that: most other commenting doohickeys just allow you to type info in fields and be done. That's how this should work. If it doesn't change, I can always go back to a third-party commenting thing.

Anonymous said...

Looks real purty, Jeff! Easy on the eyes, as they say.

What's up with this no HTML tags in comments thing, though? Silly Blogger.

-- amy

2fs said...

You can do links, italics, or bolds. I suppose that means you can't do paragraphs...but I'm not sure what else you'd really need to do in a mere comment (just testing that italics thing).

Anonymous said...

I like the new look a lot, but the anonymous posting is a bit of a drag. I really don't want to sign up for BlogSpot. The "no html tags" thing is a bummer too. I can't figure out how amy got the line breaks in without doing a br.

Latre. --Flasshe (catching up on my blog reading)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see. The preview is wrong - line breaks don't show up in it, but they do when you post.
